April 2021

There are dandelions on my lawn. If that’s not a sure sign of spring, I don’t know what is. The calendar should be, but lately that source isn’t too reliable. Does it seem to you that the weather doesn’t match the month anymore?

When I lived in the country, I’d look for calves as I passed the cattle farm. That was a sure sign of spring. Spotting little black angus lumps here and there in the grass when the cattle were out was always a joy. And the calves were fun to watch as they grew. Their spindly legs and knobby knees always caught my attention.

Since I moved to the edge of town, I’m finding other signs of spring. Yes, there are dandelions in my lawn even though the Condo Association sprays for weeds. I see dandelions in regular lawns, too, but now I notice flowers — tulips, daffodils, Jonquils — and flowering trees as I head for one place or another. And lately, I’ve been watching mammoth farm machinery work up the big field behind my place. That’s another sign of spring.

But in town, the biggest indicator of the seasonal change is the number of people out and about. Traffic is heavier. Parking around the downtown square is hard to find. Groups of people wander the sidewalks and in and out of shops. Even the grocery stores are busier. And when the sun shines, everyone smiles.

Spring! It’s here at last.

About Sharon Hart Addy

Writing is the monkey on my back. Sometimes it's great fun and sometimes it -- well, things can't be fun all the time, but it's still engrossing even when I chew my nails and scratch my head while searching for inspiration. Fiction is my particular fondness. Writing it and reading it.
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1 Response to April 2021

  1. katefellowes says:

    My sign of spring is visible in the lawn this week–lots and lots of bright purple violets. They stood up to the snow of last week and have really earned their place in the sun! Hello, springtime!

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